
- 分类:灵异
- 字数:99356
- 状态:全本
- 更新:2023-01-13
- 月饼没馅儿[灵异]欢愉指令:愚者万界异能收容手册(NPH)
- 穆尔塔图里[灵异]龙傲天请你为我着迷吧!
- 寻觅真理527[灵异]当我嫁人后,剧情突然变得不对劲起来
- Roxi[灵异]東方蝴蝶
- 幻海浮声[灵异]幽瑟(星际1V1)
- 解冰[灵异]精灵宝冠(西幻,1V1)
- 透透气[灵异]【全职】渣遍全联盟
- 生椰拿铁饼干[灵异]第二封遗书1V1灵异BG
- 无餍[灵异]爱神降临(西幻np)
- 孤独魔者[灵异]重掌大道
- 玫瑰饼和蒸蛋糕[灵异]齐天大树
- 渎浊[灵异]带上系统整顿大理寺
- 可乐姜汤[灵异]我靠反内卷拯救宗门
- 后记:创造者是我,但成长的他们造就更好的故事。
- 附件:全文英语单词中译。
- Chapter.28:The End of Clarence. Of course, and True End.
- Chapter.27:The End of Marshall and Augustine.
- Chapter.26:The End of Abraham.
- Chapter.25:The End of Ulysses.
- Chapter.24:Finally Spark.
- Chapter.23:Final Preparation.
- Chapter.22:The Unanimously-Anticipating Situation.
倒序 ↑- Chapter.01:Before the Story Begins.
- Chapter.02:The Wheel of Fortune Starts to spin.
- Chapter.03:Breaking out.
- Chapter.04:It's Not only the Situation that's out of Control.
- Chapter.05:Trust, Collapse, World Reconstruction.
- Chapter.06:Hope in the name of God.
- Chapter.07:Like Never Before, but Never Again.
- Chapter.08:The Beginning of The Quarrel.
- Chapter.09:Fake and Genuine.
- Chapter.10:Life of Solomon Grundy.
- Chapter.11:Only at this moment, please be by my side.
- Chapter.12:Replication and Recombination of Gene.
- Chapter.13:Twins of Clarence.
- Chapter.14:NavoWaker Biotechnology Company and Archibald.Ulysses.
- Chapter.15:Start with Sparks.
- Chapter.16:The Substitute of Successor.
- Chapter.17:Hallucination, Remorse, and Unequal Confidence.
- Chapter.18:Worse on Friday.
- Chapter.19:God will be Pardons My Sin?
- Chapter.20:Buried the Truth.
- Chapter.21:The Nightmare Reappears.
- Chapter.22:The Unanimously-Anticipating Situation.
- Chapter.23:Final Preparation.
- Chapter.24:Finally Spark.
- Chapter.25:The End of Ulysses.
- Chapter.26:The End of Abraham.
- Chapter.27:The End of Marshall and Augustine.
- Chapter.28:The End of Clarence. Of course, and True End.
- 附件:全文英语单词中译。
- 后记:创造者是我,但成长的他们造就更好的故事。
- [其他]你男朋友下面真大(校园 np 高h)
- [其他]当H文女配开始自暴自弃(NP,高H)
- [其他]房客(糙汉H)
- [其他]咬你(1v1,H)
- [穿越]女配她只想上床(快穿)
- [其他]天生尤物【快穿】高H
- [其他]优质肉棒攻略系统(np高辣文)
- [其他]与狐说 (1v1 h)
- [其他]暗恋[校园 1v1]
- [其他]喷泉(高H,NP)
- [穿越]肉文女配不容易[快穿H]
- [其他]幸瘾(校园np 1v3)
- [其他]文火煨青梅(甜宠h)
- [穿越]爱意收集攻略(H)
- [其他]情深如兽(H)
- [其他]精养贵妇(乱伦,高h)
- [其他]一妾皆夫(np)
- [其他]有效真香
- [穿越](快穿)插足者
- [其他]香欲H(短篇肉合集)
- [穿越]穿成男主白月光(快穿,nph)
- [灵异]魅魔养成记(高H 奇幻 肉文)
- [穿越]碎玉成欢(np)
- [其他]赌 (校园,1V1)